Power failure in general does not promote development to public and private sector. The investor do not feel secure  to come into a country with constant or frequent power failure thus this limit the development of industries .
However Instability of power supply is a major challenge in developing countries like Nigeria. The need for alternative power supply makes the switching of load between two or more power sources imperative.
    The  smart automatic changeover eliminates the need for manual or human intervention by sensing mains supply and switching to an available source. Automation eliminates the delay and the cost of inefficiency associated with manual operation.
     This  device automatically switches between the power sources(PHCN and GENERATOR) and also indicates if utility power is restored when an alternative power is in use.
    This paper presents the design and implementation of an automatic
Smart changeover  for renewable energy systems.
The microcontroller based automatic Smart changeover  consists of  power supply circuit consisting of step-down transformer,
rectifier (full wave bridge), filter capacitor and the voltage regulator (all the aforementioned basically converts ac to dc power), logic circuit that detects when utility supply is restored, incorporated with  audio and visual indicators respectively.
 Renewable energy sources generating direct current will require inverters to
produce the alternating current necessary for domestic and industrial use. Otherwise they can substitute for the hydrocarbon powered conventional alternator as alternative energy source.

Aims and objectives
The load demand is increasing day by day we are able to generate power to the require and we are able to transmit power to the load center with maximum efficiency and minimum losses.
The major problem consumer are facing now is power interruption .due to this power interruption lot of damage is caused in terms of money, time wasted  and sometimes to lost of  life .
However incorporation of an automatic smart changeover  system makes switching easy  thus saves time and stress
Thus the need for this automation in industrial and commercial usage is of almost value with the factors stated below
·        To change automatically power supply from one power source to the other with the aid of decision making unit
·        To eliminate the danger of electric shock during the process of manually changing  power source
·        To provide an efficient means of changing power source due to power failure from substation
·        To provide clean means of powering electrical equipment being used in the premises
·        To provide a safe means of changing power supply without human error and time wastage.
Scope of Project
The scope of the project is design and construction of an automatic smart changeover  .

The study of this project is meant to contribute an additional knowledge to the existing one as to enrich the readers with the knowledge of an automatic smart changeover  in the following areas which includes domestic and industrial application.
In spite of automatic smart changeover  suffer from  the following drawbacks:

  •   Epileptic power supply.
  •   Total Phase Failure of both mains and back up source.

Block diagram
The unique proposal uses microcontroller to enhance its decision making process, the smart automatic changeover system  comprises of the following main units

  •   Visual display unit
  •   The protection unit which comprises of two main circuit breaker
  •   The decision making unit which comprises of microcontroller
  •      Switching unit which consist of two main switching contactors and relays
  •     Alarm unit.                                                                                           



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