GPS  is  one  of  the  technologies  that  are  used  in  a  huge  number  of  applications  today.  One  of  the applications  is tracking  your  vehicle  and keeps  regular  monitoring  on them.  This tracking system  can inform you the location  and route travelled  by vehicle,  and that information  can be observed  from any other remote location.  It also includes the web application that provides you exact location of target. This system enables us to track target in any weather conditions. This system uses GPS and GSM technologies. The paper includes the hardware part which comprises of GPS, GSM, PIC16F877A microcontroller  MAX 232,16x2 LCD and software part is used for interfacing all the required modules and a web application.

  Main objective is to design a system that can be easily installed and to provide platform for further enhancement.

The focus of a GPS based position is to make use of the information of vehicles location. Now a days the world has changed into a global village because of the advancement in communications, but unfortunately in NIGERIA we are not taking full benefits of these efficient communication systems and fleet management systems

Firstly we decided to use the GPS for locating the remote vehicle position and searches for a module that can be used for this purpose finally we got SIM548c which have both GPS as well as GSM module. We used MICROCHIP family microcontroller (PIC16F877) for interfacing and sending the GPS data through SMS to user.

We propose it to plan a system enclosed that is used for the advance and the positioning of any transports using the system of world-wide localization (GPS) and the total system for mobile communication (GSM). A GSM modem is used in order to send at a distance 

,the  position (latitude and longitude) of the vehicle. The modem of GPS will give without interruption  to  data  the  latitude  and  the  longitude  that  the  position  of  the  vehicle indicates. The modem of GPS gives many parameters like yield, but only the data of NMEA that exit are read and shown above the visualization to liquid crystals. The same data are sent to the mobile apparatus to the other extremity from which the position of the vehicle it is tax. Data is stored in RAM of microcontroller. The hardware interfaces to microcontroller is GSM modem and GPS Receiver. This design uses RS-232 protocol for serial communication between the modems and microcontroller.



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