1.0   INTRODUCTION

The design and construction of microcontroller based digital display is that which display information or data programmed on it with  series of instruction.

It is an image sequence of an LED display used for displaying decimal numerals and also the alphabet that is an alternative to the more complex dot matrix display, which is becoming popular for transmission of information to large group of people quickly.

It usually consists of smaller module (dot matrix units) illumination display arranged together to form a larger screen, each module usually consisting of 8 by 8 matrix of LEDs.

On which the signal from the micro controller is interfaced with the row of the dot matrix  and the column is been interfaced with the shift register circuit.

Comparatively, liquid crystal displays (LCDs) can also be used due to the fact it can easily be interfaced with microcontroller for displaying information as they have many inbuilt functions but they cannot be observed from a distance while displaying and large size LCDs are very costly hence Dot matrix LED has gotten dominance.

          Figure 1.1: The Block Diagram of a Message Display Board

Power Supply Unit: This is the Unit that provides a rectified dc power supply to the circuit.

Controller Unit: This is the unit that accepts data or text information, process them and make logical decision based on the loaded instruction. It can be any programmable microcontroller.

Buffer Amplifier:  A buffer amplifier is a type of operational  amplifier that have a gain of one (1).So the output will be identical to the input voltage otherwise.

However, the buffer is one that provides electrical impedance transformation from one circuit to another.

Shift Register: This is a unit that provides control of the output of the controller over the dot matrix display unit.

Dot Matrix Display: This is the unit that displays the information or the message programmed on the controller. It serves as the final output of the entire circuit.


This project is based on designing a running display message using microcontroller specifically pic16f877.

The aim is to act as a public sign post for instrumentation lab. It is a design where letters formed by LEDs arrangements will light up progressively depending on the programming employed and features of the programming applied to the letters. Such features which could be upward, downward, horizontal or vertical scrolling of the letters and once all the messages such as “INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROLL LAB CENTRE FOR AUTOMATION.”

Noting that as the message scrolled from start to end and get reset automatically by starting  from the beginning.


For complete project write up contact   sltech

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