CHAPTER ONE


Today,smoke detection device is recognized to play an essential role in providing fire safety in buildings, to protect people, property and contents.  Today’s view is in stark contrast to the view of about 50years ago when automatic detection was rarely provided in buildings.  The change in attitude has been the result of a series of significant fire incidents and research developments.

However significant fires resulted in the loss of numerous lives and/or involved substantial damage to property and contents and the lack of early detection was identified as a major factor in the out come of the fire thus the need to smoke detector in a building is of out most value.

A smoke detector is a device that senses the presence of smoke , typically as an indicator of fire .However a  smoke detector is also known as smoke alarm which issues a local audible or visual alarm. Smoke detector system is designed to detect the unwanted presence of fire by monitoring environmental changes associated with combustion. In general, a fire alarm system is classified as either automatically actuated, manually actuated, or both.

Smoke detector is intended to notify the building occupants to evacuate in the event of a fire or other emergency, report the event to an off-premises location in order to summon emergency services, and to prepare the structure and associated systems to control the spread of fire and smoke.

This smoke detector system composes of MQ2 which works as a smoke sensor, a microcontroller chip (pic16f877), buzzer , transistors and other component which depends on each other to achieve a particular goal as depicted in the block diagram.

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