These devices consist of four independent high-gain frequency-compensated operational amplifiers that are designed specifically to operate from a single supply over a wide range of voltages. Operation from
split supplies also is possible if the difference between the two supplies is 3 V to 32 V (3 V to 26 V for the LM2902 device), and Vcc is at least 1.5 V more positive than the input common-mode voltage. The low supply-current drain is independent of the magnitude of the supply voltage.
Applications include transducer amplifiers, dc amplification blocks, and all the conventional operational-amplifier circuits that now can be more easily implemented in single-supply-voltage systems. For example, the LM124 device can be operated directly from the standard 5-V supply that is used in supplies. digital systems and provides the required interface electronics, without requiring additional ±15-V
C1815 Silicon NPN
Epitaxial Transistor
Description : The C1815 is designed for audio frequency general purpose amplifier applications and driver stage amplifier applications
Excellent Hfe, Linearity Complementary to A1015
circuit description:
Today will are going to be talking about the second part of the dispic inverter which is the circuit that helps to monitor the output voltage from the inverter an at the same time act as and overload detector
the output voltage is programmed from 220-230vac with the aid of this circuit .
The opamp is configured in a differential amplification mode .
In all, this circuit converts the analog environment voltage for the dspic to have precise functioning.
The relay in the diagram receives command from the dspic depending on what the opam sense in the analog environment either to charge or in inverting mode .
In conclusion this circuit plays a vital role in this dspic inveter design.
The heart of this circuit is an operational amplifier also refer to as analog computer with value lm324.
Pls help me with the full cct n its Hex file send to obinnaehumadu@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteThe hex code paste alongside the main circuit vis not for the dspic30f2010 inverter. It is the conventional Pic16F72 pure sine wave inverter. I have that hex file and I have confirmed it the the hex code in this post. So the poster has not provided the hex file of this inverter yet.